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Nature Coast Moringa, LLC is a company based in Brooksville, FL. Established on January 1st, 2016, their mission is to educate people about the numerous benefits of moringa. Located at 7311 California St, Brooksville, FL 34601, they operate from a humble home on 4.5 acres (about twice the area of a Manhattan city block), growing fresh moringa for consumption and sharing with customers. They've been running their site since July 20th, 2018, and appreciate your patience as they continue to learn and improve. 

13 Benefits of Moringa Powder: 

  • Nutrient-Dense: Moringa oleifera powder is rich in nutrients, including vegetable protein (30%), 18 amino acids (including all 9 essential ones), 46 active antioxidants, and 36 anti-inflammatories. 
  • Abundant Minerals: It contains 16 times the calcium of milk, 15 times the potassium of bananas, 10 times the vitamin A of carrots, and 9 times the protein found in yogurt. 
  • Chlorophyll and Vitamin C: Moringa has 4 times the chlorophyll of wheatgrass and half the vitamin C of oranges. 
  • Anti-Aging Compounds: Zeatin, quercetin, beta-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid, kaempferol, and silymarin contribute to its anti-aging properties. 
  • Easy Absorption: Moringa oleifera's whole-food complex makes it easy for your body to recognize, absorb, and assimilate. 
  • Antioxidants: Rich in antioxidants, moringa helps prevent cellular damage, which is a common pathway for cancer, aging, and various diseases. 

Remember, moringa is a powerhouse of nutrition! 🌿